Qualities of Good Family. What Members Of Good Family Should Do Together Social Studies Primary 1 First Term Lesson Notes Week 5

Subject :

Social Studies

Topic :

Qualities of Good Family

Class :

Primary  1/ Basic 1


Term :

1st Term


Week :

Week 6

Reference Materials :  .

  • Online materials
  • Textbooks
  • Scheme of work

Instructional Materials :..

  • Pictures
  • Wall charts
  • Posters



Previous Knowledge :

The pupils have previous knowledge of roles of different members of the family



Behavioural Objectives :  At the end of the lesson, the pupils should be able to

  • Mention what members of good family always do
  • Say what we must do to make our family good
  • Tell us what good daddy and mummy must do in our family
  • Say what good children must do to make good homes and family



Content :



TOPIC: Qualities of a good family

Members of a good family always:

  1. Support Each Other: They are there for one another, offering love and encouragement during both good and challenging times.
  2. Communicate Openly: They talk to each other, share their feelings, and listen actively to what each family member has to say.
  3. Respect Each Other: They treat each other with kindness, courtesy, and consideration, recognizing and valuing individual differences.
  4. Share Responsibilities: They work together to maintain their home, share chores, and contribute to the well-being of the family.
  5. Spend Quality Time Together: They engage in activities that strengthen family bonds, like meals, outings, and conversations.
  6. Resolve Conflicts Peacefully: They address disagreements calmly and find solutions that are fair to all family members.
  7. Show Love and Affection: They express love and care through words, hugs, and gestures to create a warm and loving environment.

To make our family good, we must:

  1. Communicate: Share our thoughts and feelings with each other and actively listen when others talk.
  2. Respect: Treat each family member with kindness and consideration, honoring their boundaries and opinions.
  3. Help Each Other: Contribute to household chores and support family members when they need assistance.
  4. Celebrate Together: Enjoy special moments and create family traditions that bring joy and togetherness.

Good daddies and mummies in our family:

  1. Provide: They work to provide for the family’s needs, ensuring everyone has food, shelter, and a safe environment.
  2. Love: They show love and affection, nurturing their children’s emotional well-being.
  3. Teach: They educate and guide their children, teaching them values, morals, and life skills.
  4. Listen: They listen to their children’s concerns, thoughts, and dreams, offering guidance and support.

Good children to make a good home and family:

  1. Respect: Children should respect their parents, siblings, and elders in the family.
  2. Obey: Follow the rules and guidelines set by parents to maintain order and harmony in the home.
  3. Help: Contribute to household tasks and responsibilities according to their age and abilities.
  4. Communicate: Share their thoughts and feelings with their parents, fostering open and honest communication.
  5. Show Appreciation: Express gratitude for the love and care provided by their parents and other family members.

By practicing these principles, families can create a loving, harmonious, and nurturing environment where everyone feels valued and supported

Every member of any good family must show or posses the following qualities or behaviours

  1. Honesty
  2. Contentment
  3. Interest of others
  4. Love
  5. Caring




What Members Of Good Family Should Do Together 

  1. Members of good family pray together
  2. Members of good family eat together
  3. Members of good family play together
  4. Members of good family work together
  5. Members of good family protect each other.







The topic is presented step by step


Step 1:

The class teacher revises the previous topics


Step 2.

He introduces the new topic


Step 3:

The class teacher allows the pupils to give their own examples and he corrects them when the needs arise


Evaluation :

1. Members of a good family always ___________ each other.
a) fight
b) support
c) ignore
d) criticize

2. To make our family good, we must ___________ openly.
a) hide our feelings
b) communicate
c) complain
d) watch TV

3. Good daddies and mummies in our family ___________ love and affection.
a) show
b) hide
c) sell
d) ignore

4. Good children must ___________ their parents and elders.
a) disrespect
b) respect
c) criticize
d) ignore

5. Members of a good family always help each other with ___________.
a) chores and tasks
b) video games
c) arguments
d) homework

6. To make our family good, we should ___________ special moments together.
a) avoid
b) celebrate
c) cancel
d) ignore

7. Good daddies and mummies in our family ___________ for the family’s needs.
a) sleep
b) provide
c) complain
d) hide

8. Good children must ___________ their parents’ rules.
a) break
b) obey
c) criticize
d) forget

9. Members of a good family always ___________ conflicts peacefully.
a) create
b) resolve
c) ignore
d) encourage

10. To make our family good, we should ___________ love and care.
a) avoid
b) show
c) hide
d) criticize

11. Good daddies and mummies in our family ___________ their children values.
a) teach
b) scold
c) ignore
d) fight

12. Good children must ___________ to their parents and elders.
a) disrespect
b) listen
c) criticize
d) avoid

13. Members of a good family always ___________ each other’s opinions.
a) respect
b) hide
c) argue
d) ignore

14. To make our family good, we must ___________ moments of joy.
a) celebrate
b) avoid
c) cancel
d) criticize

15. Good daddies and mummies in our family ___________ to their children.
a) listen
b) hide
c) complain
d) criticize

Feel free to fill in the blanks with the correct answers!

1: Mention three qualities of a good family.


Conclusion :


The class teacher wraps up or conclude the lesson by giving out short note to summarize the topic that he or she has just taught.

The class teacher also goes round to make sure that the notes are well copied or well written. He or she does the necessary corrections when the need arises.


Assignment :

Prepare for the next lesson by reading about

Meaning of culture

the next topic

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