Community : Meaning and Types Civic Education Primary 2 Second Term Lesson Notes Week 2

Subject: Civic Education
Class: Primary 2
Term: Second Term
Week: 2
Topic: Community: Meaning and Types
Sub-topic: Exploring the meaning of community and its types
Duration: 40 minutes

Entry Behaviour: Recall the previous lesson on “Forms of Greeting” and its importance.

Key Words: Community, Meaning, Types, People, Place, Values, Beliefs.

Behavioural Objectives:

  1. Understand the meaning of a community.
  2. Identify different types of communities.
  3. Appreciate the importance of communities in daily life.

Embedded Core Skills: Communication, Critical Thinking, Social Awareness.

Learning Materials:

  • Whiteboard and markers
  • Pictures of different communities
  • Flashcards with key terms
  • Chart with examples of community values


A community is a group of people who share the same values and belief in a given place.


Members of the community provides the following:


1) Good medical facilities .e.g. hospital, clinic, etc.

2) They build schools.


3) They provide market.


4) They make sure there is peace in the community. 5

5) They protect people of the community from danger.

Community: Meaning and What it Provides

A community is a group of people who live in the same place and share similar values and beliefs.

Members of the community work together to provide essential services and support for everyone. Here’s what they contribute:

  1. Good Medical Facilities: This includes hospitals and clinics where people can go when they are sick. The community ensures that everyone has access to healthcare.
  2. Building Schools: Communities come together to create schools. These are places where children can learn and grow, shaping the future of the community.
  3. Providing Markets: Members ensure there are markets where people can buy and sell goods. Markets are essential for getting the things we need.
  4. Maintaining Peace: One crucial role of the community is to make sure there is peace. They work together to resolve conflicts and create a safe environment for everyone.
  5. Protecting People: Communities look out for each other. They have systems in place to protect people from dangers, making the community a secure place to live.

In summary, a community is a supportive group of people who collaborate to provide healthcare, education, markets, peace, and protection for everyone.



  1. A community is a group of people who share __________ values and beliefs in a given place. a) Similar b) Different c) Changing d) Random
  2. Members of the community work together to provide essential __________ for everyone. a) Services b) Games c) Hobbies d) Rules
  3. Good medical facilities, such as hospitals and clinics, ensure that everyone has access to __________. a) Education b) Healthcare c) Entertainment d) Shopping
  4. Schools in the community are places where __________ can learn and grow. a) Children b) Adults c) Animals d) Plants
  5. Communities come together to create __________, which are essential for getting the things we need. a) Playgrounds b) Schools c) Markets d) Libraries
  6. Maintaining __________ is one crucial role of the community. a) Friendship b) Peace c) Competition d) Noise
  7. Members of the community work together to resolve __________ and create a safe environment. a) Conflicts b) Celebrations c) Discoveries d) Achievements
  8. Community members ensure there are markets where people can buy and __________ goods. a) Share b) Steal c) Sell d) Hide
  9. A community is a __________ place to live. a) Dangerous b) Chaotic c) Secure d) Noisy
  10. Communities look out for each other, having systems in place to __________ people from dangers. a) Protect b) Ignore c) Avoid d) Challenge
  11. The members of a community share __________ values and beliefs. a) Changing b) Similar c) Different d) Random
  12. Schools in the community are places where __________ learn and grow. a) Animals b) Plants c) Children d) Adults
  13. Good medical facilities, like hospitals and clinics, ensure that everyone has access to __________. a) Entertainment b) Healthcare c) Education d) Sports
  14. Maintaining __________ is one crucial role of the community. a) Chaos b) Peace c) Noise d) Competition
  15. Members of the community work together to resolve __________ and create a safe environment. a) Discoveries b) Conflicts c) Celebrations d) Achievements


1.) What is a community?

2.) Lists three things that members of a community provides for their community.


  1. Revision (Step 1): Briefly discuss the previous lesson on “Forms of Greeting” and its importance. Ask students to share examples of greetings.
  2. Introduction (Step 2): Define the term “community” using simple language. Discuss the idea that a community is a group of people who live together in the same place and share similar values and beliefs.
  3. Types of Communities (Step 3): a. Urban Community: Discuss communities found in cities or towns. b. Rural Community: Talk about communities in villages or countryside. c. School Community: Highlight the community within the school where students and teachers work together. d. Home Community: Emphasize the community within a family where members share values and responsibilities.
  4. Teacher’s Activities (Step 3):
    • Show pictures of different communities to illustrate urban, rural, school, and home communities.
    • Use flashcards to reinforce key terms.
    • Engage students in discussions about their own communities.
  5. Learners Activities (Step 3):
    • Participate in discussions about different community types.
    • Share their experiences in their respective communities.
    • Identify the common values they observe within their communities.
  6. Assessment (Step 3):
    • Ask questions like: “What is a community?” “Can you name a type of community in your village?”
    • Use flashcards for a quick quiz on different community types.
    • Encourage students to draw a picture representing their own community.
  7.  Evaluation  (Step 3):
    1. What is a community?
    2. Name a type of community found in cities.
    3. Where do you find a school community?
    4. Define a rural community.
    5. What is the meaning of “values” in a community?
    6. Give an example of a home community.
    7. Why is it important to live peacefully in a community?
    8. How do people in a community work together?
    9. Name a type of community where you learn and play with friends.
    10. Draw a picture representing your community.


The teacher goes round to mark and provide feedback on students’ drawings and answers. Reinforce the importance of understanding and appreciating different types of communities in fostering a sense of belonging and cooperation.

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