-Topic 2: Breeds of Sheep and Goats




There are three well known breeds of sheep in West Africa. They are:


(i) The Ouda (The Fulani) – The commonest and the most widespread of all breeds of sheep. .Ouda originated in Egypt. The rams have large ,wide and spiral horns.


(ii) Yankasa (and Balami) –These are commonly found in North Central Nigeria .The rams have long curved horns .Both are white in colour.


(iii) WAD Sheep-This is the smallest breed of sheep found in humid areas of W .Africa.


Terms used for Sheep:


RAM: A matured adult male sheep.


Ewe: A matured adult female sheep.


Lamb: A young sheep of either sex.


Wether: A castrated ram.


Mutton: Meat of sheep.


Lambing: Parturition in ewe.


Flock: Group of adult sheep


Gestation period :150days


BREEDS OF GOAT: They are the earliest domesticated and the most widely distributed animals with high concentration in Africa and India .Goat have ability to withstand harsh weather conditions. The common breeds of goats are : Sokoto red (maradi),Kano brown, Sahel goat, Borno white and WAD goat.


Terms used for goats.


Billy :A matured adult male goat .


Nanny :A matured adult female goat.


Buck :A male goat of breeding age.


Doe : A female goat of breeding stage .


Kid :A young goat of either sex .


Kidding :Parturition in doe.


Chevon : The meat of goat .


Castrate : A castrated male goat .


Herd : Group of goat .


Gestation period : 150days.




(I) The most widespread of sheep is——-


(II) State four breeds of goat you known


Sub-Topic 3: Breeds of Pigs and Rabbits




Pigs are the most prolific (productive) of all farm animals .They are omnivorous and heavy feeders. Pig production is not as popular as goat production because of social, economic and religious reasons.


Breeds of pigs includes:


WAD pigs,


Large white(Yorkshire),


Land race,






Hampshire , large black, Chester White, polar China, Tam Worth e.t.c




Boar: A matured adult male pig.


Sow: A matured adult female pig.


Hog (Barrow): A castrated boar.


Piglet: A young pig of either sex.


Barrowing: Parturition in sow.


Pork: Meat of pig.


Lard: Fat from pig.


Gestation period: 114days


BREEDS OF RABBIT: A productive animals that can produce up to four or five times in a year. It is not a native to tropical Africa but can do well under local tropical conditions . Examples of breeds of rabbit are :Flemish giant ,California rabbit, New Zealand rabbit , Chinchilla ,Checkered giant ,Dutch spotted rabbit etc.




Buck: A matured adult male rabbit .


Doe: A matured adult female rabbit


Kitten: A young rabbit of either sex .


Colony: A group of rabbit.


Kindling: Parturition in doe.


Gestation period : 29 – 30 days


Presentation :


Step one :The class teacher revises the previuous topics


Step two : The class teacher introduces the new topic


Step three : He or she arouse the pupils interest by making the class alive, warm and interesting by making use of various instructional materials like pictures on books or cardboard or making online reference with phones, laptop or desktop computers







  1. Define breed.


  1. State four breeds of (a) cattle (b) sheep (c) goat (d) pig (e) rabbit


  1. Mention four products that can be gotten from cattle ,sheep goat, pig and rabbit.




Junior secondary Agriculture (workbook 1)byAnthony.Youdeowei et-al pages 10- 11




  1. J S Agriculture for Nigerian schools by Anthony et al


  1. Essentials of Agricultural science for JSS by Anie
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